Patriots MC Utah Chapter IV
We are absolutely Non Political and we Claim No Territory.

2025 Ride for Heroes Poker Run & Benefit

Excerpt from the National By-Laws:
“It is the goal and general philosophy of the PMC to promote Brotherhood amongst our ranks and look to our founding fathers for direction. It is our goal and intention to be the best public safety motorcycle club in the world.
We will continue to grow in the spirit which provides the opportunity for increased camaraderie between current and retired professional public safety/law enforcement officers, fire fighters, paramedics and Military Personnel active or honorable discharged.
The PMC is for public safety/law enforcement officers, fire fighters, and military personnel who enjoy riding American-made motorcycles and is not affiliated with or sponsored by Harley-Davidson or any other professional organization.
“The insignia of the PMC is a wing and sword over the outline of the United States. The sword represents those who have served and fight for the USA. The wings for those who have sacrificed in the line of duty, and the USA outline for the country we so dearly love.”
The Patriots MC are a civic minded public safety motorcycle club that promotes charitable causes and help for the less fortunate, the wounded, the sick, the deceased, or those left behind. This mission is accomplished through contributions from our riding and fundraising efforts.
The purpose of this club is to unite Military Veterans, Public Safety/law Enforcement Officers, Fire Fighters and Paramedics as a group of people who enjoy the freedom to ride and exercise the freedom of choice that we all served to protect. Our Band of Brothers, all whom have honorably served or are still.
We are a good balance of a social/fun riding club, and a non-for-profit club that does many benefits for the unfortunate, the wounded, the deceased, and those left behind. We are not a politically minded-organization, so if you are seeking social status, this club is not for you.
We wish to present a favorable image of the Patriots Motorcycle Club by participating in charitable events and any other function that will enhance the image of the club. Our club does not or will not interfere in any other motorcycle club’s internal business or dealings, nor will we allow any other club to involve themselves in our private club business
Our Midwest chapter is our father chapter of the original 14 members, our Founding Fathers.
No new members ever join the Midwest chapter. This chapter forms the core of our National Board with representatives from all chapters.
All members in the club look to this chapter for guidance
Chapter 1 is based in Lake County Illinois. The monthly meeting for Chapter 1 is the first Sunday of the month at 9:00am. Chapter 1 also holds a weekly social night every Wednesday at 7PM.
Contact a member of the Club to be invited along.
Chapter 2 is based in SouthEast Wisconsin and has their meetings in Racine, WI on the 1st Saturday of each month at 9:30am. Chapter 2 also holds a weekly Social Night every Tuesday night at 7pm.
Contact a member of the Club to be invited along.
Chapter 4 is based in St George, Utah.
Contact a member of the Club to be invited along.
Chapter 5 is based in Port Charlotte, FL.
Contact a member of the Club to be invited along.
Hand Signals
It is mandatory to know and use all proper hand signals while riding in a group. Proper hand signals are available online or in our Bylaws.
Group Rides
It is mandatory that all group rides begin with a Safety Briefing. All Group rules and protocals will be discussed and followed by all riders.
Helmet Laws
All riders must obey the helmet laws that are in effect for the state they are riding in. These laws vary state by state and it is the riders responsibility to know what the law is for the states that they are going to ride in. If in doubt wear a helmet. We suggest that an approved helmet be worn at all times.

Patriots MC Utah Chapter IV